- Pepper spray, when being sold at a guns and ammo store, can be sold for $12.99!!!!!!!!!
Bonus Random Oddity of the Day!!!!!!!!!!!:
- You sign something saying that you don't have a criminal record in order to buy pepper spray. Plus, you have to show your driver's license.
So yeah, iT's SuMmEr and I'm going to a 6-week program in order to learn the basics of Mandarin Chinese and Chinese culture so that I might bridge the gap between the U.S. and China in my successful future career!! I'm gonna miss you Blinda. Je vais te manquer! I'll also miss tennis with Frank and even Bruce and that lady who made you run all the time. Promise we'll practice a lot in the grueling heat of summer!!!
And now it's time for the part of post where Ari blurts all the going-ons in her brain out into a text-format blurb on the blog:
I have "Pieces of Me" by Ashlee Simpson stuck in my head. Nowadays I get "Don't Stop Believing" stuck in my head cuz it's so super-catchy and it's the anthem of this generation. The other day I got the Hustle stuck in my head; you know, the part that goes
do-do-do-do-do-do-do do-doo, do-do-do-do-do-do-do do-doo, do-do-do-do-do-do-do doo
~Nerdette Ari