Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Not-so-amazing, But Amazing Anyway!!

It's amazing that the school year ends in 2 days. I mean, I know everyone keeps saying that and the fact that time passes is a given, but now it's like the school year ended so fast. Anyone else astounded that it's June already??? Including you Blinda; I know you're super-super-happy about the freedom of summer. :D

YEAH!!!!!!!! SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy summer, everybody; hope this year was a good one! Hope the next months are full of orange juice, bike riding, aquariums, a 6-week program in Mandarin Chinese, and tons and tons of chlorine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Please comment if you've got any music artist suggestions for this summer. I like any and all good music. ;)

P.P.S. I'm almost done with The Bermudez Triangle by Maureen Johnson and I think it's a really good book. It's really real and there are some really funny lines, but why the hell did Steve have to go and end it with Nina?!?! XD

~Ari Ze nerd is outta here


Ari said...

WHERE THE #&$% R U, BLINDA?!?!???

~Wuv, Awi

P.S. I'm gonna have 2 walk home in the rain 2day. Thanx a lot.

;) Maybe I shouldn't always impose myself on ur mom's ability 2 drive anyway... K, bye now!!

Audrey said...

I love love love Maureen Johnson!!!! I haven't read Bermudez yet, but I shall.

YAY SUMMER!!! Even though I'm homeschooled. Although I start school in the fall. As in public school. :P Not sure what that last bit was about... RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME.