Sunday, February 21, 2010


I just HAVE to write a blog post right now, cuz I'm on one of those late-night highs where you really don't feel like going to sleep because it's way too past your bedtime to feel tired and that you figure as long as you're up this late, you might as well do something (un)productive...

So I just finished procrastinating on this graded English assignment, which is the reason I'm up late, and I read about this Charter for Compassion online (, incidentally, I noticed a nod to on Jason Mraz's blog ( I LOVED the blurb on the homepage explaining what the whole enchilada's about!!! K, I really have to sleep now, so catch you on the flip side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Nerdette Ari (believes the only good thing about staying up late is the chance of glancing at the clock at 11:11 pm XD) Je vais etre tres fatiguee demain.

1 comment:

That Girl in the Pink said...

Hey! It's Audrey! From eloquentrainbows, except now I have a new shiny blog that's shinier and better than my old one.
I love your new look!
I also love staying up late and seeing 11:11. :D

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