Hey, so we came up with an idea for a contest where the readers can be a part of the pointless-yet-entertaining awesomeness of our blog! Every once in a while, either Bwinda or I will post a fun activity sort of thing that you can post a comment about with your answer, opinion, or pointless blurb of nonsense. We'll judge entries to certain activities and
if you win, you'll get Nerdettes Points! We'll post your rank (highest amount of points is #1) on the blog where you can compare your awesome nerdy-ness to the other participants! Remember kids, there are no losers; just the winners and the people who aren't them. ;)
Here's the first activity, so put on your creative cap and prepare to crush the competition!!! ^_^
- If you could have one song or album as the soundtrack of your life, what would it be? In other words, what song would you pick to be the story of or to represent your life?
Enjoy expressing your nerdy-ness, but remember that side effects may be alienating various people around you!
~Nerdette Awi (will forever B da nerdiest!)
P.S. Entries will be judged by creativity and accuracy (that means you don't use the Spongebob Squarepants theme song or something). 1st place will receive 10 points, 2nd place will receive 7, 3rd place receives 4, and everyone else receives 2. If any entrant compliments Nerdette Ari or Blinda, they will automatically receive 5 points. (^_^ jk)