This is for you Amanda:
~Nerdette Ari
P.S. AAAAAAAAAAARRRGH! The Opera-singing baboons are on a psychotic rampage! Help meeeeeee-
*i died*
Are you an "Awesome Nerdette"? If you have the best grade average AND fashion sense in your school, like playing chess AND the guitar, or if you read our awesome blog, you will become nerdette-ified! Magically, you will be able to save the world with us. This includes fun stuff like eating ice cream (because when you eat ice cream, you're happy and less likely to become a serial killer) and making clothes out of recycled newspapers!!! Join us in our quest for complete and total AWESOMENESS!
Ok so I found the soundtrack to my life! The song is 'Creep' by Radiohead. (The clean version)
Yayayayayay!!!!! Did I win the contest????
Hey did you guys see my Twilight htingy yet? It's buried under like, a thousand new posts so don't go assuming it isn't there.
Awesome! I'm gonna go listen to/ look 4 that stuff now, so TTYL! And maybe you can persuade Blinda to post on the blog again. With force, if necessary. ^_^
~Nerdette Ari!
Well, I did post. teehee...
YES! OMFG! OPERA-SINGING BABOONS LIVE ON! (*My eyes start twinkling and tears begin to form...*) It's so...beautiful...
TANK YOU AWI! (intended mis-spelling on "Thank")
I haz a BIG happee =D
Don't worry, I remembered that I asked, YOU MUST'VE BEEN BORED! LOL! XD
Sorry I haven't commented in a while =( My computer is blocking me from going on the, I haven't been able to do anything online for the past week. ALTHOUGH, MIRACULOUSLY, IT STARTED WORKING YESTeRDAY! OF course, it could've only been working temporarily...I dunno. But it's being stupid. It's so annoying, that I almost threw it out my window after spending hours on trying to fix it.
Not to mention I was sick yesterday...=(
Ochay dochay, well I'm in Keyboarding right now, and the bell is going to ring soon, so I gotta go. BUT, if the bell doesn't ring, I PROMISE I WILL RETURN! YEYEYEYYEYEY!
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