So, I decided to slack of the Review Book until now and I don't remember half of the stuff! UGH! This is what procratination does to you, Belinda...
Anyways, if ANYONE remembers topographic graphs and isotherms and that stuff from topic 3, HELP ME!! I just need to know how you make a topographic graph again...
I can't believe the break's almost over :'(. It just flew by and I managed to do none of my homework... again.
I really don't want to go back to school because almost all of my teachers officially hate me. so BLEHH
I might, just might... quit drama this year. I joined so many clubs, and if I go with Drama I might have to miss a lot of the other meetings for other clubs. Plus, I didn't get a great role anyways. To them, I'm "replaceable". So there. If anyone wants to quit with me, feel free to comment!
Happy New Year! again.
I already posted my resolutions, but I'm procrastinating so I just broke a resolution... Meh, it happens...
Anyways, I wuv Everyone!!!!
I know this has nothing to do with my post, but...
Ariane somehow managed to get a music player on the blog!! It's so cute!! And it plays Maxwell's Silver Hammer! That is the cutest thing ever!! I love it!!!! Okay, I really have to stop using excessive exclamation points!!!!!
NEVER!!!!! NEVER stop using the unnecessary exclamation points!!!!!! Btw, everyone likes Spongebob because who wouldn't? I mean, he lives in a pineapple under the sea, c'mon! How come u posted a huge long post over my beautiful posts that no one can see now, huh? HUH??? U offend everyone u make make contact with, just so u know. AND MEH IS MY WORD!!!(Or at least I'm making it my word now.)
Help! U need somebody.
Help! Not just anybody!
U need help from Ari, who's learning the same thing as u! I can help u and I WOULD quit w/ u (lol, ur replaceable), but I don't go 2 ur school anymore. :( Je regrette. I hope u actually get 2 read this comment sometime in ur life, because otherwise I just wrote a whole essay-length comment 2 u 4 no reason...
And 4 the record:
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